About Keymaker

  • Open platform composed of 20+ DeAI multi-modal tools, blending proprietary and community-contributed products to streamline the creation of DeAI Apps.
  • Through the permissionless DeAI Marketplace, users and developers can discover and utilize DeAI apps. Developers also have the opportunity to contribute their deApps. The built-in discovery platform serves as an access point for existing and upcoming DeAI products. Increased usage results in more tokens paid from the Zero Economic Framework.
  • The Zapier-like Keymaker API acts as the central hub for integration, offering developers a unified source of tooling for all AI dApps. This cohesive approach simplifies the development process, saving valuable time and resources while empowering developers to create automated solutions effortlessly.
The platform is crafted to streamline the creation, access, and discoverability of DeAI Apps, enabling developers to build faster, smarter, and safer AI agents.
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The Largest Ecosystem for DeAI Apps

Keymaker is the largest ecosystem for DeAI Apps, providing developers with a diverse array of tools and resources to catalyze their projects. Leveraging battle-tested ETH tooling and permissionless DeAi marketplace, Keymaker empowers developers to explore new frontiers in AI innovation without constraints.

Built on Robust Foundations

Keymaker is built on top of renowned platforms like Consensys and OpenZeppelin, ensuring a solid foundation for the development of decentralized AI applications. By connecting agents to the Zero1 application stack, developers can harness the power of decentralized tools.

Modular Tooling for Enhanced Efficiency

One of the hallmarks of Keymaker is its modular tooling approach, offering developers a comprehensive suite of functionalities to enhance their AI agents:
  • Storage: Decentralized storage and file referencing capabilities enable secure and efficient data management.
  • Messaging: Facilitating AI agent communication, messaging functionalities empower collaborative AI environments.
  • Testing: Robust testing tools help identify and rectify issues, ensuring the reliability and performance of AI applications.
  • Security: Automated bug and vulnerability scanning fortify AI agents against potential threats, enhancing overall security.
  • Keepers: Automating key functions and event-driven tasks streamlines AI operations, boosting productivity and efficiency.

Seamless Integration with Keymaker API

Keymaker API serves as the central hub for integration, providing developers with a single source of tooling for all AI dApps. This unified approach simplifies the development process, saving valuable time and resources while empowering developers to create automated solutions effortlessly.

Ready to Start, Anon?

With Keymaker, the possibilities are limitless. Join us as we redefine the boundaries of AI development and create a future where intelligence knows no bounds. Build with Keymaker and unlock the true potential of artificial intelligence.